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Passionate about strength training.

Hey! My name is Claudes and I am a Strength Coach, Personal Trainer and Powerlifting Coach. My clients describe me as "energetic, engaging and personable", and my aim is to instil confidence within every one of my clients. I love the phrase: "knowledge is power", and I use this in all of my coaching services, with the focus on comprehensive education for my clients on nutrition, exercise, resistance training, building muscle mass and it's importance for life longevity and more.


When I finished high school, I was so lost on how to approach exercise and nutrition, falling into a spiral of disordered habits in an attempt to figure it all out. After studying a variety of fields, Physiotherapy, Fitness, as well as my Level 1 First Aid/Sports trainer, whilst also being mentored by numerous strength coaches across NSW, I have accumulated my knowledge from these to create my style of coaching at MCC.


MCC Coaching is unique. I teach you life-long skills and evidence based information (no keto diet, no cutting carbs, no running for hours on end) about exercise styles, nutrition and how to train for YOU and YOUR goals, empowering you to be in control of your body, exercise and nutrition for the rest of your life without any confusion. I am here to support you, and help you finally find enjoyment in exercise. 

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